ELK Stack



is search and analytics engine that is widely used for full-text search, log and event data analysis

  • storage

  • analytics

  • search

Shard - shard is a basic unit of storage and search

Indexer - logical space for storing shards




Download and install the Debian package manually

wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-8.11.1-amd64.deb
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-8.11.1-amd64.deb.sha512
shasum -a 512 -c elasticsearch-8.11.1-amd64.deb.sha512 
sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-8.11.1-amd64.deb

after install take password from cli

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start elasticsearch.service
systemctl status elasticsearch.service

GUI work only on protocol https

Add Node to Elastic

sudo /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
cluster.name: elasticsearch

node.name: node-1


harvester proccess read specific file

1 harvester = 1 proccess

Input harvester tracking mechanism

have many

stdin, syslog, tcp, udp, aws

curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/filebeat/filebeat-8.11.1-amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i filebeat-8.11.1-amd64.deb
sudo nano /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml 

edit file

enabled: true

  hosts: []

  username: "elastic"
  password: "8-UIKFdgtdgDdgsHfsd"

restart daemons

systemctl daemons-reload 

and check status

systemctl status filebeat.service

add certs from elastic to filebeat

sudo ls /etc/elastic/search/certs

edit file

sudo nano /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml 

enabled: true

  hosts: []
    - /etc/elasticsearch/certs/http_ca.crt
  username: "elastic"
  password: "8-UIKFdgtdgDdgsHfsd"

restart daemons

systemctl daemons-reload 

and check status

systemctl status filebeat.service

filebeat.yml vs logstash.yml

in loglash have filters addon

in Filebeat reads line by line, Logstash generates a document using a filter

What, Where, When…



As mentioned earlier, Logstash is the data processing component. It collects and processes logs and other event data from various sources, then transforms and sends it to Elasticsearch or other destinations. Filters, transforms and enriches data according to your requirements. For example, you can extract fields from text logs, convert date formats and time stamps, and perform other manipulations with data.


install logstash from binary

curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/logstash/logstash-8.11.4-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
sudo dpkg -i logstash-8.1.1-amd64.deb
sudo nano example.conf
input  {
  file  {
    path => "/var/log/*.log"

# filter {}

output {
  file  { path => "/etc/logstash/result.log" }

copy file to directory logstash

sudo cp example.conf /etc/logstash/conf.d/main.conf

run and reload config after any edit

sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/main.conf --config.reload.automatic


wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana/kibana-8.11.1-amd64.deb
hasum -a 512 kibana-8.11.1-amd64.deb 
sudo dpkg -i kinana-8.1.1-amd64.deb

Run Kibana with systemd

sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
sudo /bin/systemctl enable kibana.service

Kibana can be started and stopped as follows:

sudo systemctl start kibana.service
sudo systemctl stop kibana.service

kibana default port 5601 for kibana for normal work need 6 ram or 8 ram

Start Elasticsearch and generate an enrollment token for Kibana

When you start Elasticsearch for the first time, the following security configuration occurs automatically:

  • Authentication and authorization are enabled, and a password is generated for the elastic built-in superuser.

  • Certificates and keys for TLS are generated for the transport and HTTP layer, and TLS is enabled and configured with these keys and certificates.

The password and certificate and keys are output to your terminal.

ou can then generate an enrollment token for Kibana with the elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token tool:

sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token * -s kibana

copy past in

Code verification

Check in status kibana

sudo systemctl status kibana.service

Password to elasticsearch

need take password from elasticsearch

for create need dashboard

menu => dashboard => [Create a dashboard] => [Create Data View]

name filebeat*

[Create Data View]

all work in Discover

ILM: Manage the index lifecycleedit

You can configure index lifecycle management (ILM) policies to automatically manage indices according to your performance, resiliency, and retention requirements. For example, you could use ILM to:

  • Spin up a new index when an index reaches a certain size or number of documents

  • Create a new index each day, week, or month and archive previous ones

  • Delete stale indices to enforce data retention standards

You can create and manage index lifecycle policies through Kibana Management or the ILM APIs. Default index lifecycle management policies are created automatically when you use Elastic Agent, Beats, or the Logstash Elasticsearch output plugin to send data to the Elastic Stack.


ILM defines five index lifecycle phases:

Hot: The index is actively being updated and queried.

Warm: The index is no longer being updated but is still being queried.

Cold: The index is no longer being updated and is queried infrequently. The information still needs to be searchable, but it’s okay if those queries are slower.

Frozen: The index is no longer being updated and is queried rarely. The information still needs to be searchable, but it’s okay if those queries are extremely slow.

Delete: The index is no longer needed and can safely be removed.



Key features of Graylog include:

Log Collection: Graylog can collect log data from various sources, including servers, applications, network devices, and more. It supports multiple input methods such as syslog, GELF (Graylog Extended Log Format), and various log forwarding agents.

Data Storage: Log data is stored in an Elasticsearch backend, which enables efficient indexing and searching. Elasticsearch provides scalability and high-performance retrieval of log data.

Search and Analysis: Graylog offers a powerful search functionality that allows users to quickly search through large volumes of log data. The platform supports complex queries, allowing users to filter and analyze logs based on various criteria.

Alerting: Users can set up alerts based on specific conditions or thresholds. Graylog can notify administrators or other stakeholders when certain events occur, helping to proactively address issues.

Dashboards and Visualizations: Graylog enables users to create custom dashboards with visualizations such as charts and graphs. This helps in gaining insights into log data trends and patterns.

Plugins and Integrations: Graylog supports a range of plugins and integrations, allowing users to extend its functionality. This includes integrations with various authentication systems, external data sources, and third-party tools.

Compliance and Auditing: Graylog can assist organizations in meeting compliance requirements by providing features for audit trails, access controls, and secure log handling.

Scalability: Graylog is designed to scale horizontally, allowing organizations to expand their log management infrastructure as their needs grow.

for work with him need Elasticsearch and Mongodb


Hint: This guide assumes that any firewall is disabled and traffic can flow across all necessary ports.

  • Graylog 5.1 requires the following to maintain compatibility with its software dependencies:

  • OpenJDK 17 (This is embedded in Graylog and does not need to be separately installed.)

  • OpenSearch 1.x, 2.x or Elasticsearch 7.10.2

  • MongoDB 5.x or 6.x

Installation MongoDB

Ubuntu 22.04

Warning: MongoDB 5.x is not supported on Ubuntu 22.04!

Install gnupg.

sudo apt-get install gnupg curl

Import the key.

sudo wget -qO- https://pgp.mongodb.com/server-6.0.asc | sudo gpg --dearmor --batch --yes -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg

Create a list file for MongoDB.

echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-6.0.gpg ] https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu jammy/mongodb-org/6.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list

Reload the local package database.

sudo apt-get update

Install the latest stable version of MongoDB.

sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

You can use a keyserver approach via a widget if you wish to incorporate proxies and other non-free environments. For example:

wget -qO- 'http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xf5679a222c647c87527c2f8cb00a0bd1e2c63c11' | sudo apt-key add -

Enable MongoDB during the operating system’s start up and verify it is running.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable mongod.service
sudo systemctl restart mongod.service
sudo systemctl --type=service --state=active | grep mongod

Hint: For the following sections on OpenSearch and Elasticsearch, select which data node you will be using for your Graylog instance and complete only the requisite section.

Install Elastic for Graylog

wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.10.2-amd64.deb
wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.10.2-amd64.deb.sha512
shasum -a 512 -c elasticsearch-7.10.2-amd64.deb.sha512 
sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-7.10.2-amd64.deb
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service

if not work delete /var/lib/elasticsearch/ files node and node.lock

in elasticsearch 7.x.x use http protocol default address

config elasticsearch

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
cluster.name: graylog
sudo systemctl restar elasticsearch.service

config Graylog

sudo nano /etc/graylog/server/server.conf
password_sercret  =  <generate_password>  

for generate password and copy && past

pwgen -N 1 -s 96
root_password_sha2 = <root_generate_password>   

for generate root password

copy && past from generate_password to your_password

echo -n your_password | shasum -a 256


sudo systemctl start graylog.service


sudo systemctl start graylog.service

Gravelog on port login: admin and password in file service.conf

Test Message

System => Input => Raw/Plaintext TCP => Launch New Input =>



somthing send to port 5000

echo "some pretty message" | nc -n 5000


System => Input => Syslog TCP => Launch New Input =>


sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.d/graylog.conf
*.* @;RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format

restart rsyslog

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog.service

From Rsyslog to graylog

open Gravelog on port

System => Input => Raw/Plaintext TCP => Launch New Input =>


sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.d/graylog.conf


sudo nanao /etc/rsyslog.d/graylog.conf

Alerts & Events

Alerts => Event Definitions => Get Started! =>

Event Details =>

Root logout 


Condition =>

Condition Type
Filter & Aggregation

Search Query
session closed for user root 

All messsages

Notifications =>