

Check for the latest updates and install wget

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt install wget

Configuring limits

Edit the file limit.conf

sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf

Adding content:

jenkins      soft     core    unlimited
jenkins      hard     hard    unlimited
jenkins      soft     fsize   unlimited
jenkins      soft     fsize   unlimited
jenkins      soft     nofile  4096
jenkins      hard     nofile  8192
jenkins      soft     nproc   30654
jenkins      hard     nproc   30654

Configure the firewall

sudo apt-get install ufw
sudo ufw allow OpenSSH
sudo ufw allow 8080
sudo ufw enable

Check ufw’s status to confirm the new rules:

sudo ufw status

Checking java

java --version

If java is missing, install

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless

Java 11 Docker installation instructions are included in “Downloading and running Jenkins in Docker”. Alternatively, the jenkins/jenkins:jdk17 Docker image allows you to run the Jenkins controller on Java 17.

All other Java versions are not supported. The Jenkins project performs a full test flow with the following JDK/JREs:

OpenJDK JDK / JRE 11 - 64 bits

OpenJDK JDK / JRE 17 - 64 bits

Installing Jenkins

The version of Jenkins included with the default Ubuntu packages is often behind the latest available version from the project itself. To ensure you have the latest fixes and features, use the project-maintained packages to install Jenkins.

First, add the repository key to your system:

wget -q -O - |sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins.gpg

The gpg --dearmor command is used to convert the key into a format that apt recognizes.

Next, let’s append the Debian package repository address to the server’s sources.list:

sudo sh -c 'echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins.gpg] binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'

The [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins.gpg] portion of the line ensures that apt will verify files in the repository using the GPG key that you just downloaded.

After both commands have been entered, run apt update so that apt will use the new repository.

sudo apt update

Finally, install Jenkins and its dependencies:

sudo apt install jenkins

now that Jenkins is installed, start it by using systemctl:

sudo systemctl start jenkins.service

Since systemctl doesn’t display status output, we’ll use the status command to verify that Jenkins started successfully:

sudo systemctl status jenkins

auto run after restart

systemctl enable jenkins

Configure additional Java parameters:

Garbage collection options

sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/jenkins.service
"JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/lib/jenkins/log -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Xlog:gc=info,gc+heap=debug,gc+ref*=debug,gc+ergo*=trace,gc+age*=trace:file=/var/lib/jenkins/gc.log:utctime,pid,level,tags:filecount=2,filesize=100M -Xmx512m -Xms512m"

Note: -Xmx512m -Xms512m set depending on the available memory in the virtual machine

Setting Up Jenkins

To set up your installation, visit Jenkins on its default port, 8080, using your server domain name or IP address: http://your_server_ip_or_domain:8080

You should receive the Unlock Jenkins screen, which displays the location of the initial password:

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

The next screen presents the option of installing suggested plugins or selecting specific plugins

Slave and Master

Agent SSH Jenkins

java -- version
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
useradd -m -s /bin/bash jenkins 
passwd jenkins

openssh installed or not

apt list -installed | grep openssh-server
sudo service ssh status

install openssh-server

sudo apt install openssh-server

install jenkins on docker-compose.yml

sudo su
vi docker-compose.yml
 # docker-compose.yml
version: '3.3'
    image: jenkins/jenkins:lts-jdk11
    restart: always
    privileged: true
    user: root
      - 8080:8080
      - 50000:50000
    container_name: jenkins
      - /home/${myname}/jenkins_compose/jenkins_configuration:/var/jenkins_home
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
docker-compose up -d
cd /home/root/jenkins_compose/jenkins_configuration
cd secret
cat initialAdminPassword

SSH-Key Generate

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f jenkins_slave -m PEM

Execute the command and copy the contents of the file:

cat jenkins_slave

Open the jenkins web interface, go to the Manager Jenkins -> Manager Credentials


Go to the global domain


Click Add Credentials, fill in as in the screenshots below, enter the previously copied private key in the key field

  • SSH Username with private key


and push button “create”

Copy private key to slave machine agent

ssh-copy-id -i jenkins@vs02slave

Go to the Jenkins web interface - Manage Jenkins -> Manage Node and Cloud

jenkins5 Click New Node, enter name agent, and - [x] Permanent Agent box jenkins6

Create and fill all:

name node: team01-agent

discription: agent for team01

number of executors: 1

remote root directory: /home/jenkins

labals: linux


  • ‘Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node’

launch method: Launch agents via SSH

host: `(number_of_slave_ip_machine) or dns host name of slave'

Credentials: jenkins

Host Key Verification Strategy: Non verifying Verification Strategy

Save and We return to Manage Node -> select our agent

push Relaunch agent and see log if all ok


Jenkins Plugins Installation

  • Web UI
  • CLI
  • /var/lib/Jenkins/plugins

Jenkins Plugin. Most Useful

  • Rebuilder
  • Config File Provider
  • Ansi Color
  • Active Choice

Open the Jenkins web interface and go to Manage Jenkins-> Manage Plugins

In the Available list, look for plugins, select them and click “Download now and install after restart”

It is important to remember that restarting Jenkins running in a production environment is not recommended during working hours, although Jenkins waits for all tasks to finish before starting and only then restarts the kernel. Still, it is better to postpone such work for non-working hours. Or try to use the option “Install without restart” You also need to remember that for such an installation of Jenkins plugins, the master must have access to the internet. If there is no direct access, you can use the proxy settings, for this you need to go to the Advanced tab

Global Tool Configurations

  • Maven
  • JDK
  • Cradle
  • SonarQube
  • Allure
  • Etc

Add maven and npm to Global Tool Configuration

Consider the example of installing maven, for this we go to Manage Jenkins-> Tools

Add Maven

Name: maven-3.9.4

- [x] 3.9.4

apply and save

Jenkins Credentials ID

best practices

Jenkins Secret Password Decrypt

cat credentials.xml

copy past password



  • Jenkins OWN database
  • LDAP
  • Unix User/Group Database

Create New item and Manage Roles

Opening the Jenkins web interface

To do this, click New Item

To get started, install the plugin Role-based Authorization Strategy

Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure Security and activate Role-Base Strategy for Authorization

Security Realm:

  • Jenkin’s own user database

  • Role-Based Strategy


Go to Manage Jenkins -> Manage and Assign Roles -> Manage Roles

Role to add: QA

Pattern: qa-.*


Frestyle Jobs

one of the most popular configuration happens in web ui


  • Common Namespace
  • Shared Libraries
  • Separate rights

Multibranch Pipeline



Groovy DSL to describe tasks:

  1. Stored in SCM ( Jenkinsfile)
  2. Defined in task settings
node('worker01') {
   stage('Source') {
   git ''
   sh mvn clean install

pipeline features

  • Independence from agent or worker directories
  • Parallelization
  • Resist from Master restart
  • Resist from network break

Building in Jenkins

Pipeline always runs on master

Groovy DSL


node {
  stage('Hello world') {
    sh 'echo Hello World'

Scripted pipline:


  • Less number of sections and specifications
  • Ability to use more procedural code
  • More flexibility for custom operations
  • Ability to model more complex processes Minus:
  • Needs more programming
  • Far from the traditional Jenkins model
  • Potentially more complicated


pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Hello World') {
            steps {
              sh 'echo Hello World'

Declarative Pipeline: Plus:

  • More structured
  • More readable
  • Can be generated through Blue Ocean
  • Better syntax checking
  • Improved consistency Minus:
  • Less support for iterative logic
  • More stiffer construction

Diagram of Declarative Pipeline sections


Snippet Generator

Environment Setup

VS Code:

  • Jenkins Jack
  • Jenkins Pipeline Linter
  • Jenkins Runner
  • Jenkins Doc

hostname test

pipeline {
  agent {
    label "linux"
  stages {
    stage ("test agent") {
      steps {
        sh 'hostname'

maven download and test version maven

pipeline {
    agent {
        label "linux"
    tools {
        maven "maven-3.9.4"
    stages {
        stage('test marven') {
            steps { 
                sh "mvn --version"

hello word stages

pipeline {
    agent { 
        label "linux"
    stages {
        stage('hello') {
            steps {
                sh 'echo "Hello World"'
        stage('hello2') {
            steps {
                sh 'echo "Hello World2"'
        stage('hello3') {
            steps {
                sh 'echo "Hello World3"'


pipeline {
    agent {
      label "linux"
    tools {
        maven "maven-3.9.4"
    stages {
        stage('checkout') {
            steps {
                git credentialsId: 'team1', url: ''
        stage('build') {
            steps {
                sh "mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip"

git branch: ‘main’, credentialsId: ‘s043218-dev-gitlab’, url: ‘'

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip. Tests are run with mvn test

pipeline {
<pipeline code>

The trigger section is used to define the pipeline launch schedule. It accepts 4 values: cron, upstream, githubPush, pollSCM

cron - runs a task according to a given schedule, and pollSCM launches a check for source code updates, if a change is detected, it starts the execution of the pipeline


Launch of the conveyor in a quarter of an hour trigger { *cron(15 * * * ) }

pipeline {
    agent any
    triggers {
        cron('H */4 * * 1-5')

Scan for SCM changes at 20-minute intervals

trigger { pollSCM(/20 * * * ) }

upstream - starts a task based on the condition of another task being completed Example:

trigger { upstream(upstreamProjects: 'trigger-job', threshold:hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS) }

will start execution after successful completion of the trigger-job

githubPush - starts the pipeline in case of receiving a webhook from github

For additional pipeline options, use the options section buildDiscarder - saves a given number of artifacts and console logs for a job Example: options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20')) } leaves a history of the last 20 builds disableConcurrentBuilds - disables parallel execution of the same pipeline Example: options { disableConcurrentBuilds() } retry - if the pipeline fails, it will be restarted the specified number of times Example: options { retry(2) } in case of failure, restart the pipeline timeout - sets the timeout value for the pipeline, if the execution time exceeds timeout, the pipeline will exit Example: options { timeout (time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') } sets timeout to 15 minutes timestamps - adds a timestamp to the console log Example: options { timestamps() }

The environment directive allows you to specify the names and values of environment variables that will be available within the pipeline. Defining a variable at the top of the pipeline will make the variable available in all parts of the pipeline

environment {
TEST_VAR = "test"

in the pipeline itself can be used as follows:

stage('test') {
steps {
echo "${TEST_VAR}"

hostname test

pipeline {
  agent {
    label "linux"
  stages {
    stage ("test agent") {
      steps {
        sh 'hostname'

maven download and test version maven

pipeline {
    agent {
        label "linux"
    tools {
        maven "maven-3.9.4"
    stages {
        stage('test marven') {
            steps { 
                sh "mvn --version"


pipeline {
    agent {
        label "linux"
    stages {
        stage('test') {
            steps { 
                sh "env | sort"

Global environment exemple:

pipeline {
    agent {
    label "linux"
    environment {
        MY_GLOBAL_VAR = 'myEnv'

    stages {
      stage('test') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_GLOBAL_VAR'
          sh "env | sort"

local environment exemple :

only stage2 not stage3

pipeline {
    agent {
    label "linux"
    environment {
        MY_GLOBAL_VAR = 'globalVar'

    stages {
      stage('stage1') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_GLOBAL_VAR'
          sh "env | sort"

      stage('stage2') {
        environment {
          MY_STAGE_VAR = 'stageVar'
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_STAGE_VAR'
          sh "env | sort"
      stage('stage3') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_STAGE_VAR'
          sh "env | sort"
pipeline {
    agent {
    label "linux"
    environment {
        MY_GLOBAL_VAR = 'globalVar'
        MY_RANDOM_VAR = sh(script: 'openssl rand -base64 32', returnStdout: true)
        MY_SECRET_VAR = credentials('secret-username')

    stages {
      stage('stage1') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_GLOBAL_VAR'
          sh 'env | sort'
      stage('stage2') {
        environment {
          MY_STAGE_VAR = 'stageVar'
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_STAGE_VAR'
          sh 'env | sort' 
      stage('stage3') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_STAGE_VAR'
          sh 'env | sort'  
      stage('stage4') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_STAGE_VAR'
          sh 'echo $MY_SECRET_TEXT'
          sh 'env | sort'

only change in 1 stage

pipeline {
    agent {
    label "linux"
    environment {
        MY_GLOBAL_VAR = 'globalVar'
        MY_RANDOM_VAR = sh(script: 'openssl rand -base64 32', returnStdout: true)
        MY_SECRET_VAR = credentials('secret-username')
    stages {
      stage('stage1') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_GLOBAL_VAR'
          sh 'env | sort'
      stage('override variables') {
              steps {
                  script {
                      env.MY_GLOBAL_VAR = "IT DOES WORK"
                      println '=====override====='
                      println "MY_GLOBAL_VAR"
                  echo "My_GLOBAL_VAR = ${env.MY_GLOBAL_VAR}"
                  withEnv(["MY_GLOBAL_VAR=localVar"]) {
                      echo "MY_GLOBAL_VAR = ${env.MY_GLOBAL_VAR}"
                  withEnv(["BUILD_NUMBER=1"]) {
                      echo "BUILD_NUMBER = ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
      stage('stage2') {
        environment {
          MY_STAGE_VAR = 'stageVar'
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_STAGE_VAR'
          sh 'env | sort' 
      stage('stage3') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_STAGE_VAR'
          sh 'env | sort'  
      stage('stage4') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_STAGE_VAR'
          sh 'echo $MY_SECRET_TEXT'
          sh 'env | sort'

def myTestVar before pipeline

pipeline {
    agent {
    label "linux"
    environment {
        MY_GLOBAL_VAR = 'globalVar'
        MY_RANDOM_VAR = sh(script: 'openssl rand -base64 19', returnStdout: true)
        MY_SECRET_VAR = credentials('secret-username')
    stages {
      stage('stage1') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo $MY_GLOBAL_VAR'
          sh "env | sort"
      stage('override variables') {
              steps {
                  script {
                    def myTestVar = "myTestVar"
                    println "myTestVar"
      stage('stage2') {
        steps {
              println = "myTestVar"
          sh 'echo $MY_GLOBAL_VAR'
          sh 'env | sort'


catchError - ignore error step and go to stage 2

’exit 1’ - its exit from stage

but pipeline finish with status FAILURE

pipeline { 
    agent {
    label "linux"
    stages {
      stage('Hello') {
        steps { 
          catchError {
            sh 'exit 1'
      stage('stage2') {
        steps { 
          sh "echo stage2"

if you want status UNSTABLE you can change in catch error command

catchError(message:'Skip because unstable',buildResult:'UNSTABLE',stageResult:'UNSTABLE')

retry - its retry code in { }

pipeline { 
    agent {
    label "linux"
    stages {
      stage('Hello') {
        steps { 
          catchError(message:'Skip because unstable',buildResult:'UNSTABLE',stageResult:'UNSTABLE') {
              retry(3) {
            sh 'exit 1'
      stage('stage2') {
        steps { 
          sh "echo stage2"

Script pipeline

pipeline { 
    agent {
    label "linux"
    stages {
      stage('Hello') {
        steps { 
          script {
            try {
              retry(2) {
              sh 'exit 1'
            catch (err) {
              currentBuild.result = 'Unstable'
      stage('stage2') {
        steps { 
          sh "echo stage2"


WaitUntil = wait to ..

fileExists = file be

pipeline { 
  agent {
  label "linux"
  stages {
    stage('stage1') {
      steps { 
        sh 'touch 1'
        timeout(5) {
          waitUntil {
            fileExists 'myFile.yaml'

Lockable Resource database

its plugin need install (lockable Resource) after

Configure System => System => Lockable Resources Manager


Name: SCHEMA_1

Labels: database


pipeline { 
  agent {
  label "linux"
  stages {
    stage('stage1') {
      steps { 
        lock(label: 'database', variable: 'LOCKED RESOURCE', quantity: 1) {
          echo env.LOCKED_RESOURCE
          sh 'echo Hello World'
          sleep 60

Groovy Scripts

  • pipeline done failed its ok

    • ansi color plugin
pipeline { 
  agent {
  label "linux"
  options {
  stages {
    stage('stage1') {
      steps { 
        script {
          getFile().each { p ->
          sh "mkdir -p $p.folder"
          sh "touch $p.folder/$"
        println getProjectName()
        error("error message")
def getProjectName() {
  return 'JenkinsPipeline'
def List getFile() {
  return [
    [name: 'file01', folder: 'folder01'],
    [name: 'file02', folder: 'folder02'],

def loadColors() {
  CEND = '\033[0m'
  CVIOLENTBG2 = '\033[91m'
def error(String message) {
  sh """
  set +x; echo "${CVIOLENTBG2} $message ${CEND}"

From Pipeline from file hello.groovy

2 files :


def code 
pipeline { 
    agent {
    label "linux"
    stages {
      stage('Stage1') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo "stage1"'
          script {
            code = load 'scripts/hello.groovy'
      stage('stage2') {
        steps { 
          sh 'echo "stage2"'
          script {


def example1() {
  printnl 'Hello from example1'
def example2() {
  printnl 'Hello from example2'

return this


findAll { !it.getDescription() }?.
each {
  println "'${it.fullName}' doesn't explain it does..."

Space in name

findAll { !' ') }?.
each {
  println "'${it.fullName}' contains spaces!"

Log rotation

each {
  found = true
  if (it.getBuildDiscarder() )
    found = it.getBuildDiscarder().getArtifactDaysToKeep() < 0 &&
            it.getBuildDiscarder().getArtifactNumToKeep() < 0 &&
            it.getBuildDiscarder().getArtifactDaysToKeep() < 0 &&
            it.getBuildDiscarder().getDaysToKeep() < 0 &&
            it.getBuildDiscarder().getNumToKeep() < 0 
  if (found)
  println"'${it.fullName}' doesn't have any log rotator configuration"
println ''

Parameters in Jenkins

To add parameters to the Job, you must check the box “This project is parameterised”:


To parameterize the pipeline in jenkins, the parameter section is used. The following types of parameters are available in the box:

  • Boolean Parameter - defines boolean parameters. Can take values true or false. You can also set a default value for a parameter.

booleanParam (name: «DryRun», defaultValue: true, description: «test run»)

  • String Parameter - defines a single line parameter. Supports removing spaces on both sides of the entered value.

string (name: «version», defaultValue: «r48», trim: false, description: «enter verision component»)

  • Multi-line String Parameter - define a multiline parameter.

text (name: «releaseNotes», defaultValue: «none», description: «Оdescription of changes in the release»)

  • Password - allows you to define a password entry. Password details will not appear on startup Job and in console log.

password (name: «password», defaultValue: «changeme», description: «enter password»)

  • Choice Parameter - allows you to select multiple options from a list of previously preset options.

choice (name: «env», choices: [«PROD», «DEV», «UAT»], description: «choose an environment to install the release»)

How to declare parameters in Jenkinsfile

pipeline {
    agent any
    parameters {
        booleanParam(name: "dryrun", defaultValue: true, description: "test run")
        string(name: "version", defaultValue: "r48", trim: true, description: "Entry verion of component")
        text(name: "releaseNotes", defaultValue: "Добавлены новые feature", description: "Description of changes in the release")
        password(name: "password", defaultValue: "changeme", description: "Entry password")
        choice(name: "env", choices: ["PROD", "DEV", "UAT"], description: "Sample multi-choice parameter")
    stages {
        stage('DryRun') {
            when {
                expression { params.dryrun }
            steps {
                echo "THIS IS DRYRUN!"
        stage("Build") {
            steps {
                echo "Build stage."
                echo "Hello $params.version"
        stage("Test") {
            steps {
                echo "Test stage."
        stage("Release") {
            steps {
                echo "Defined release notes $params.releaseNotes"
                echo "Starting release on $params.env"

Active Choice Parameter

The Active Choice Parameter is not added by default. To use it, you first need to install the Active Choices plugin.

Active Choices is used to parameterize a Jenkins Job and to create dynamic and interactive options. Active Choices options can be dynamically updated and displayed in the form of list fields, flags, switches, or user interface widgets with HTML..


3 additional options in the parameters section:


  • Active Choices Parameter - allows to use Groovy script or Scriplet(plugin), to identify, whether the input will be calculated or it’s already predetermined, and return results depending on the scripts being executed.

  • Active Choices Reactive Parameter - like Active Choice Parameter. It will allow you to use Groovy or Scriplet, and its value varies depending on the value of the selected dependent parameter.

  • Active Choices Reactive Reference Parameter contains parameters Active Choice Parameter + Active Choice Reactive Parameter, also adds new options.For example, HTML-widget, labeled or numbered lists, and input fields.

Let’s move to practice: case study of using Active Choice Parameter

et’s imagine that you have a task to make a Job that will allow development or L2 support to install a service of a certain version in the right environment. It seems that everything should be automated, but in practice there is a situation when a developer or QA engineer wants to test his version of a microservice on a certain environment. This could be done using regular string parameters, but let’s simplify the task and provide a more user-friendly interface.

Let’s start by adding component selection using the gitlab api, write a simple groovy script to get a list of projects, and then create a Jenkinsfile and add our parameter definition to it:

        [$class: 'ChoiceParameter',
            choiceType: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT',
            description: 'Select a choice',
            filterLength: 1,
            filterable: false,
            name: 'component',
            script: [$class: 'GroovyScript',
                fallbackScript: [classpath: [], sandbox: false, script: 'return ["Could not get component"]'],
                script: [classpath: [], sandbox: false, 
                    script: """
                         import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic
                            def list = []
                            def connection = new URL("")
                            .openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
                            connection.setRequestProperty('Accept', 'application/json')
                            def json = connection.inputStream.text
                            data = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(json)
                            data.each { component ->
                                list +=
                            return list
pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage("Component Name") {
            steps {
                sh "echo Selected component  ${params.component}"

Don’t forget that new scripts need to be validated

Now let’s move on to creating Active Choices Reactive Parameter. Depending on the selected component, we will be shown all versions of the component in the artifactor.

Let’s create a simple groovy script and add a description to Jenkinsfile:

[$class: 'CascadeChoiceParameter', 
        choiceType: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT', 
        description: 'Select Version', 
        filterLength: 1, 
        filterable: true, 
        name: 'version', 
        referencedParameters: 'component', 
        script: [
            $class: 'GroovyScript', 
            fallbackScript: [
                classpath: [], 
                sandbox: false, 
                    'return[\'Could not get version\']'
            script: [
                classpath: [], 
                sandbox: false, 
                            import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic
                            def list = []
                            def connection = new URL("")
                            .openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
                            connection.setRequestProperty('Accept', 'application/json')
                            def json = connection.inputStream.text
                            data = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(json)
                   { it ->
                              if  (it.component == component ) {
                                	list += it.version
                            return list

An important change is the referencedParameters option. In it we specify the parameter on which the script execution depends. Run our Job, select the component and version and look at the result:


integration with Gitlab

To get started, install the Gitlab plugin and Gitlab branch


After installation, need restart Jenkins

Go to Gitlab and go to project Access Tokens => Add New Token


select all scopes and copy past personal access token (do not copy stars)

Go to => Manage Jenkins => Credentials => Global => Add Credentials


past personal access token to api token and create! do not copy stars

Dashboard => Manage Jenkins => System


test connection

Create for user token


Go to Gitlab -> Settings -> Webhook


!!! Webhook not work from local machine !!! i used ngrok


Webhook need for synchronization change jenkins branch

https://user:[email protected]/project/nameofproject.git

Let’s go to New Item => Multibranch pipeline

Click Add source

Select Git

Enter your Repository URL (e.g.: [email protected]:group/repo_name.git)


after it jenkins scan all branch Jenkinsfile on Gitlab

for examlpe:

pipeline {
    agent any
    tools {
        maven 'maven-3.9.4'
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                script {
                checkout scm
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                sh "env | sort"
                sh 'mvn clean install'
        stage('Test') {
            steps {
                sh 'mvn test'
        stage(Only 'MR') {
          when {
            branch 'MR-*'
          steps {
            sh "env | sort"

MR = Merge Request


pipeline {
    agent any
    post {
      failure {
        updateGitlabCommitStatus name: 'build', state: 'failed'
      success {
        updateGitlabCommitStatus name: 'build', state: 'success'
      aborted {
        updateGitlabCommitStatus name: 'build', state: 'canceled'
    options {
    triggers {
        gitlab(triggerOnPush: true, triggerOnMergeRequest: true, branchFilterType: 'All')
    stages {
      stage("build") {
        steps {
          updateGitlabCommitStatus name: 'build', state: 'running'
          echo "hello world"

gitLabConnection - allows ours within a single Jenkins , work with multiple gitlab installations, by specifying the right one for each pipeline

triggers - Added an option to the triggers section: gitlab - allows you to configure a trigger by event from gitlab

gitlabCommitStatus - allows you to notify gitlab of build steps

updateGitlabCommitStatus - allow you to notify giltab of status pipeline \\



Install plugin pipeline maven integration


After installation, we have an additional snippet inside steps

Need Create new account in jenkins name_of_user-gitlab-user

if you get his error need install git on agents

ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin'
hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not init /home/jenkins/workspace/maven

or path in gloobal jenkins => tools => git /usr/bin/git

withMaven - any mvn command executed inside this block will be processed by the withMaven wrapper

maven - version of maven declared in Tools

pipeline { 
    agent {
    label 'linux'
    stages {
      stage('checkout') {
        steps {
          git branch: 'master', credentialsId: '15388941-gitlab-user', url: ''
      stage('build') {
        steps { 
          withMaven(maven: 'maven-3.9.4')
            sh "mvn clean install -DskipTests=true"
      stage('test') {
        steps {
          withMaven(maven: 'maven-3.9.4') {
            sh "mvn test"

Create XML Manage Files

когда нету доступа к интернету.. и хранить секреты..

its plugin

when there is no access to the Internet.. and you nedd keep secrets..

Manage Jenkins => Add new Config



hot to integrate to pipeline xml file

mavenSettingsConfig - id settings.xml file from config file provider

*** -s ${env.MVN_SETTINGS} *** - its take from tmp settings xml /home/jenkins/workspace/maven@tmp/withMaven86ec651/setting.xml

mavenOpts - additional mvn options such as XmX, XmS, proxy settings and others

*** ‘-Xmx1G’ *** = 1G RAM MEMORY

mavenLocalRepo - path to the local repository

pipeline { 
    agent {
    label 'linux'
    environment {
    stages {
      stage('checkout') {
        steps {
          git branch: 'master', credentialsId: '15388941-gitlab-user', url: ''
      stage('build') {
        steps { 
          withMaven(maven: 'maven-3.9.4', mavenSettingsConfig: 'my-project', mavenOpts: '$ADDITIONAL_MVN_OPTS') {
            sh "env | sort"
            sh "mvn clean install -s ${env.MVN_SETTINGS} -DskipTests=true"
      stage('test') {
        steps {
          withMaven(maven: 'maven-3.9.4', mavenSettingsConfig: 'my-project', mavenOpts: '$ADDITIONAL_MVN_OPTS') {
            sh "mvn test -s ${env.MVN_SETTINGS}"

Also withMaven offers the ability to work with ‘.jar’ files obtained as a result of pipeline execution and test results. artifactsPublisher(disabled: true) - publish jar files

pipeline { 
    agent {
    label "linux"
    environment {
        ADDITIONAL_MVN_OPS = '-Xmx1G'
    stages {
      stage('checkout') {
        steps {
          git branch: 'master', credentialsId: 'user15388941-gitlab-token', url: ''
      stage('build') {
        steps { 
          withMaven(maven: '3.9.4',mavenSettingConfig: 'my-project' mavenOpts: '${ADDITIONAL_MVN_OPS}',options: [artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)])
            sh "evn | sort"
            sh "mvn clean install -s ${env.MVN_SETTINGS} -DskipTests=true"
      stage('test') {
        steps {
          withMaven(maven: '3.8.6' mavenOpts: '${ADDITIONAL_MVN_OPS}',options: [artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)]) {
            sh "mvn test -s ${env.MVN_SETTINGS}"


Install plugin sonarqube scanner

need server sonarqube


plugin in stock extension email notifaction

pipeline {
    agent {
    parameters {
      choice(name: "env", choices: ["PROD", "DEV", "AUT"], description: "choice env")
    stages {
        stage(maintenance 'PROD') {
          when {
              expression {
                params.env = 'PROD'
          steps {
                   sh 'sleep 10'
        post {
        always {
            emailext body: 'SUCCESS', subject: 'Maintenance finished', to '[email protected]'


Install plugin nexus artifact upload

pupeline utility steps

pipeline {
    agent {
      label 'linux'
    environment {
        ADDITIONAL_MVN_OPTS = '-Xmx256m -Xx:+UseConcMarkSweepGC'
        NEXUS_VERSION = 'nexus3'
        NEXUS_PROTOCOL = 'http'
        NEXUS_URL = ""
        NEXUS_REPOSITORY = 'maven-local'
        NEXUS_CREDENTIALID = 'dev-nexus'
    stages {
      stage('checkout') {
        steps {
          git branch: 'main',  url: ''
      stage('build') {
        steps { 
          withMaven(maven: '3.8.6',mavenSettingConfig: 'my-project' mavenOpts: '${ADDITIONAL_MVN_OPS}',options: [artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)])
            sh "evn | sort"
            sh "mvn clean install -s ${env.MVN_SETTINGS} -DskipTests=true"
      stage('test') {
        steps {
          withMaven(maven: '3.8.6' mavenOpts: '${ADDITIONAL_MVN_OPS}',options: [artifactsPublisher(disabled: true)]) {
            sh "mvn test -s ${env.MVN_SETTINGS}"
pipeline {
    agent {
        label "master"
    tools {
        maven "Maven"
    environment {
        NEXUS_VERSION = "nexus3"
        NEXUS_PROTOCOL = "http"
        NEXUS_URL = "you-ip-addr-here:8081"
        NEXUS_REPOSITORY = "maven-nexus-repo"
        NEXUS_CREDENTIAL_ID = "nexus-user-credentials"
    stages {
        stage("Clone code from VCS") {
            steps {
                script {
                    git '';
        stage("Maven Build") {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh "mvn package -DskipTests=true"
        stage("Publish to Nexus Repository Manager") {
            steps {
                script {
                    pom = readMavenPom file: "pom.xml";
                    filesByGlob = findFiles(glob: "target/*.${pom.packaging}");
                    echo "${filesByGlob[0].name} ${filesByGlob[0].path} ${filesByGlob[0].directory} ${filesByGlob[0].length} ${filesByGlob[0].lastModified}"
                    artifactPath = filesByGlob[0].path;
                    artifactExists = fileExists artifactPath;
                    if(artifactExists) {
                        echo "*** File: ${artifactPath}, group: ${pom.groupId}, packaging: ${pom.packaging}, version ${pom.version}";
                            nexusVersion: NEXUS_VERSION,
                            protocol: NEXUS_PROTOCOL,
                            nexusUrl: NEXUS_URL,
                            groupId: pom.groupId,
                            version: pom.version,
                            repository: NEXUS_REPOSITORY,
                            credentialsId: NEXUS_CREDENTIAL_ID,
                            artifacts: [
                                [artifactId: pom.artifactId,
                                classifier: '',
                                file: artifactPath,
                                type: pom.packaging],
                                [artifactId: pom.artifactId,
                                classifier: '',
                                file: "pom.xml",
                                type: "pom"]
                    } else {
                        error "*** File: ${artifactPath}, could not be found";

Jenkins Template Engine

Plugin need install Tempating Engine

Directory structure



Manage Jenkins -> System -> Jenkins Template Engine

Library Sources Add From SCM

SCM -> Git

Base Directory-> your folder in gitlab

Credentials -> Gitlab-user-token


after New Item -> Pipeline

copy past Jenkinsfile and Pipeline Configuration from gitlab


Jenkins Shared Library

Directory structure

+- src                     # Groovy source files
|   +- org
|       +- foo
|           +- Bar.groovy  # for class
+- vars
|   +- foo.groovy          # for global 'foo' variable
|   +- foo.txt             # help for 'foo' variable
+- resources               # resource files (external libraries only)
|   +- org
|       +- foo
|           +- bar.json    # static helper data for



Manage Jenkins -> System -> Global Pipeline Libraries

Тhe name is important


net items -> pipeline

‘_’ all import in

@libraty('jenkins-shared-libraty') _
import com.example.Notification

pileline {
    agent {
      label 'linux'
    stages {
      stage('Demo') {
        steps {
            script {
              def msg = new Notification(this)
            withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'telegram api', variable 'TOKEN')]) {
            msg.sendMessage(env. [
                 chatID: "1564161"
                 token: "${TOKEN}"]

Docker Slave