Install Server NFS

  1. update
sudo apt update
  1. install nfs server
sudo apt install nfs-kernal-server
  1. view if nfs ok
rpcinfo -p | grep nfs
  1. other ways view if ok
cat /proc/filesystems | grep nfs
  1. enable nfs-server start after restart
sudo systemctl enable nfs-server
  1. create folder
sudo mkdir /mnt/nfs
chown nobody:nogroup /mnt/nfs
  1. admin privilege on folder
sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/nfs
  1. edit exports file
sudo nano /etc/exports
  1. The /etc/exports Options
General Options Description
secure Requires request originate on secure ports, those less than 1024. This is on by default.
insecure Turns off the secure option.
ro Allows only read-only access. This is the default.
rw Allows read/write access.
sync Performs all writes when requested. This is the default.
async Performs all writes when the server is ready.
no_wdelay Performs writes immediately, not checking to see if they are related.
wdelay Checks to see if writes are related, and, if so, waits to perform them together. Can degrade performance. This is the default.
hide Automatically hides an exported directory that is the subdirectory of another exported directory. The subdirectory has to be explicitly mounted to be accessed. Mounting the parent directory does not allow access. This is the default.
no_hide Does not hide an exported directory that is the subdirectory of another exported directory (opposite of hide). Only works for single hosts and can be unreliable.
subtree_check Checks parent directories in a file system to validate an exported subdirectory. This is the default.
no_subtree_check Does not check parent directories in a file system to validate an exported subdirectory.
insecure_locks Does not require authentication of locking requests. Used for older NFS versions.
User ID Mapping Description
all_squash Maps all UIDs and GIDs to the anonymous user. Useful for NFS-exported public FTP directories, news spool directories, and so forth.
no_all_squash The opposite option to all_squash. This is the default setting.
root_squash Maps requests from remote root user to the anonymous UID/GID. This is the default.
no_root_squash Turns off root squashing. Allows the root user to access as the remote root.
anongid Sets explicitly the UID and GID of the anonymous account used for all_squash and root_squash options. The defaults are nobody and nogroup.



for all ip = or *


iMPORTANT for update settings

exportfs -a
  1. restart systemctl
sudo systemctl restart nfs-server


Need open ports 111 and 2049

sudo ufw allow 111
sudo ufw allow 2049 

show client on server

showmount -e
export list for

### On Client

1. install client nfs common

sudo apt install nfs-common

2. mount (ip server) + (shared link) (to folder)

sudo mount /mnt/

3. test if all ok 

cd /mnt/

for always attach add to fstab service 

sudo /etc/fstab